Where the insured amount is lower than the insured value, the insurer shall indemnify in the proportion that the insured amount bears to the insured value. 保险金额低于保险价值的,在保险标的发生部分损失时,保险人按照保险金额与保险价值的比例负赔偿责任。
In other words, lower the amount insured below the actual value of the house to prevent moral hazard. 换句话说,将房屋的保险价值低估于其实际价值,以此来防范道德风险。
The amount of co-insurance that the insured person must pay is usually 20 percent of the total expenses covered. 照共同保险条款,保险人通常必须付全部费用的百分之二十。
In compensating for loss of or damage to the insured property, the insurer shall deduct from the amount of compensation the salvage value of such property and the amount recovered by the insured from third parties. 保险方在赔偿保险财产的损失时,应当将损余物资的价值和投保方从第三者取得的赔偿,在保险赔偿金额中扣除。
The Company will pay for the expenses reasonably incurred in this respect, but in no case shall the amount exceed the insured amount of the property so saved. 对被保险人因此而支付的合理施救费用,本公司可予偿付,但以不超过受损保险项目的保险金额为限。
The insurer may deduct a corresponding sum from the amount of indemnity if it is not able to exercise the right of indemnity by subrogation due to the fault of the insured. 由于被保险人的过错致使保险人不能行使代位请求赔偿的权利的,保险人可以相应扣减保险赔偿金。
The insured amount shall not exceed the insured value. 保险金额不得超过保险价值;
If there are separate items with separate insured amounts the insurer's maximum liability shall not exceed the insured amount of each item of the subject-matter insured. 如有分项保险金额的,最高以各该分项保险标的保险金额为限。
Maximum Insurance Amount of Insured Vessel 中国人民保险公司船舶保险条款
Itemize your property damage and, for each item, state the amount or attach an itemized bill or estimate. The property insured shall refer to all properties and expenses specified in the Schedule of this Policy. 详细说明您的财产损失,并逐项列明财产、金额或附上一份详细说明的清单或估价。保险财产指在本保险单明细表中列明的财产及费用。
Maximum Insurance Amount of Insured Vessel These products are underwritten by PICC 中国人民保险公司船舶最高保额条款本产品由中国人民保险公司承保
What is the role of excess? Excess, also called deductible, is to the first amount of the claim which the insured person has to bear. 多余的角色是什么?多余的,也被称为可抵扣,是第一个数量的索赔,保险人必须忍受。
That saves a large amount of labour and material, and lessens the insured Party's burden. 那样办,可以节省大量劳动和材料,又可以减轻投保人的负担。
Article101a life insurer is obligated to pay the insured amount in accordance with the contract when the insured dies within the time limit set forth in the contract or is still alive when the time limit set forth in the contract expires. 第一百零一条人寿保险人于被保险人在契约规定年限内死亡,或届契约规定年限而仍生存时,依照契约负给付保险金额之责。
Insured amount is decided in the light of the value of the insured goods when insurance is covered. 保险金额按保险时保险货物的价值计算。
Upon receipt of the documents for such claim, the insurer shall decide whether or not to admit liability, and where an agreement on the amount payable is reached with the insured, shall effect payment within ten days from the date of such agreement. 保险方收到投保方要求赔偿的单证后,根据保险合同的规定,核定应否赔偿;在与投保方达成有关赔偿金额的协议后,应在十天内偿付。
The liability of each insurer shall be in proportion to that which the amount he insured bears to the total of the amounts insured by all insurers. 各保险人按照其承保的保险金额同保险金额总和的比例承担赔偿责任。
In addition to earning a small amount of interest, the money saved in the bank is insured against a loss of any kind. 除了获得小额利息之外,存在银行里的钱保证不会遭受到任何损失。
As long as the insurance amount is adequate, the insured needn't have a fear that he cannot obtain compensation for the losses covered by insurance. 只要受保人所保金额充足,那么他就不必担心从保险公司得不到遭受损失的全部赔偿。
If the total amount of the sum insured by double insurance exceeds the insured value, the total amount of indemnity paid by all insurers concerned shall not exceed the insured value. 重复保险的保险金额总和超过保险价值的,各保险人的赔偿金额的总和不得超过保险价值。
The law also should lay down the insurance contents, such as the insurer, the insured, the insurance prerequisite, the insurance coverage, the insured amount and the insured liability etc. 在实体法上我国应该在法律中明确保险人、投保人、承保条件、承保险种、保险金额、代位和补偿等基本内容,并应该规定得具体、明确。
Adopting uniform payment amount, individual of the insured peasant will inevitably lead to a highly regressive subsidy and burden to the essence to different regions and different family. 需方个人以均一等额法缴费,必然导致不同地区、不同收入需方家庭之间很强的缴费累退性负担。
The provisions are mainly about the insurance amount, insurance liability and exclusions, premiums, the insured, deductible and so on. 主要是从保险金额、保险责任和除外责任、保费、投保人、免赔条款等做了规定。
In early 2000, medical liability insurance was introduced in our country, rights and obligations of the insured in accordance with the principle of reciprocity by the insurance company to the insured a certain amount of insurance costs, assume the liability insured. 2000年初,医疗责任保险在我国开始推行,依照权利义务对等的原则由保险公司向被保险人收取一定的保险费用,承担保险事故的赔偿责任。